Become a member of the Hastings Historical Society
Help us preserve the history of our beloved village! Your tax-deductible contribution goes to support our archival work, exhibitions, and technology initiatives (like this blog!). Members receive our award-winning quarterly newsletter, the "Hastings Historian." For a membership form, click here. (Note that membership is annual and begins January 1. If you join later in the year, you will receive the back issues you missed.)
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Our Blog
Watch this space! We plan to put up two new posts every week, on Monday and Thursday, and a mystery photograph every Sunday. And we take requests! Anything you'd like to see or have always wanted to know about, let us know and we'll try to put it up on the blog. You can e-mail us at hhscottage[at]hastingshistorical[dot]org.
Visit us from time to time to see what’s new, or subscribe to receive our posts automatically. If you want to get our posts by e-mail, you can enter your e-mail address in the box on the right side of this screen. This service is through Feedburner. Their system collects the e-mail addresses and sends out the posts the day that we put them up (or sometimes the day after) -- we do not see these e-mail addresses and you will get no additional marketing e-mail from them. If you use an RSS feeder, like Bloglines, Netvibes, Newsgator, My Yahoo, or Google, you can use the buttons under "Subscribe to Feed" on the right and our posts will appear among your feeds.
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The Hastings Historical Society reserves the right to remove or edit any comment that we deem inappropriate or that is not directly pertinent to the topic under discussion.
Society Staff and Trustees
Janet M. Murphy, President
Barbara Thompson, Vice President & Corresponding Secretary
Eileen Forbes-Watkins, Recording Secretary
Jean Glus, Treasurer
Coleman Barkin
Louise Brown
Nancy Caruso
Evelyn Drewes
Jan Gustafson
Barbara McManus, Managing Editor of Hastings Historian
Muriel Olsson, Archivist
Beth Smith
Ken Smith
Sue Smith
Jennifer Stern, Webmaster and Editor of Hastings Historian
Fatima Mahdi, Archives Assistant and Blogger